Help us upgrade our rink!
It’s 7:00 a.m. and 19 degrees outside. You are watching your child play hockey at the outdoor rink. In the background is the Continental Divide. You look up and the sun is rising over the mountains; reds and pinks paint the peaks. Fast forward, it’s been a full day of hockey and volunteering and now it’s dusk. As the sun sets it kisses the mountain peaks and soon the moon will be peeking over the mountains.
Along with the beauty and uniqueness of our rink, what this association does for the community is wonderful. Children from all socioeconomic backgrounds can play hockey here. Our ice-time costs are low; in fact, the ice is open for kids to skate anytime there is not a scheduled practice, if the ice is solid. The association lends gear to any Mite or Squirt who needs it or who wants to try out hockey.
These are some of the many reasons the hockey rink in Salmon, Idaho is so special and a favorite destination of other hockey associations.
Thank you for the opportunity to share our project with you. The purpose of our fundraiser is to raise $300,000 for a concrete rink surface including new refrigeration piping and new boards at the Salmon Hockey Rink over the next four years through grant writing, donations, and fundraising. This will extend the Salmon Hockey season by approximately four weeks per year, reduce energy costs, and increase ice quality.
Often, our teams have their first games with little to no practice and competed against teams who had been skating since October. Once we have a concrete rink surface, we will be able to start practicing at the beginning of November. These extra weeks of skate time will make a big difference. With a concrete surface, additional tournaments can be held and the ice can be held longer at the end of the season to ensure practice for the final tournaments of the season.
The coaches, kids, and parents involved in Salmon Youth Hockey are very dedicated. When hockey ends in March, we are already looking forward to the next season starting in November. We hold fundraising events throughout the year and work on the rink throughout the summer and fall to get it ready for next season’s visitors. We also need to remember how important it is to keep our children busy and active. Our motto is “a kid on the ice is a kid out of hot water.”
Hockey in Salmon, Idaho is important for our community, both financially and recreationally. In 2019 an Economic Impact Assessment was completed, and it was found that hockey brings approximately 1.7 million dollars into the community each hockey season. Hotels, gas stations, eateries, grocery stores, and small businesses all benefit from the visitors brought in for hockey each weekend. The tourist revenue brought in by hockey is second only to the local river industry. Each year there are over 100 youth registered, hold an average of 150 games, and eight tournaments. Every weekend we hear our visitors say our rink is their favorite to visit. Our season runs from mid-November to mid-March, depending on the weather.
We have already started fundraising for this project and have numerous fundraising events coming up. A big part of our fundraising plan is donations. We ask that you please donate to this wonderful cause. The improvements we will make to our rink will positively impact our children, grandchildren, and community for decades to come.
You can always make your tax deductible donation today and demonstrate your support for the youth of our community and region. Please be certain to include your donation intent!

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Salmon Youth Hockey Association is a 501(c)3, non-profit organization
PO Box 581 ~ Salmon, ID 83467