Salmon Youth Hockey Association

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The Salmon Hockey Association is a volunteer based group committed to bringing the joy of skating to the children in the Salmon area and their families.  We work hard to provide a well maintained ice hockey facility, safe recreational skating and an instructional and competitive hockey program.

As an organization, the Salmon Hockey Association is passionate about the game. It hasn’t been that long since parents had to travel to Butte, Montana and Sun Valley, Idaho to get their kids some time on the ice. We have grown from a bit of frozen ground in the park, to a 2/3rds size hockey rink at the high school, and now to a full size competition hockey rink and a free public rink on four acres.  The only thing missing is a roof and four walls, and truthfully, we aren’t sure we want that part to change.

This year, more than 100 kids ages 5 through 19 are registered players with the Salmon Hockey Association. Our youth hockey program goes from Mites through Midgets/High School, including a girls program . Our adult program consists of a “strictly for fun” group and a competitive group which hosts an annual tournament.  When adults are combined in, there are 161 skaters enjoying Salmon Hockey.  Our motto is “A kid on ice is a kid out of hot water.”

When you think hockey, we invite you all to consider Salmon Hockey. Traditional hockey enthusiasts have traveled to our tournaments from as far away as Portland because they wanted to experience play on our outdoor rink, warming up by the bonfire, and viewing the spectacular Bitterroot Range in the background.

Salmon Hockey represents a small town at its best!!